Discernment Training Manual - 101 (Digital Download)
Prophetic Discernment is designed to lift the student’s level of perception through the understanding of God’s Word and a prophetic lens.
This course has been crafted to elevate the student’s ability to ascertain the difference between what is perceived to be good and what is perceived to be evil. Students are taught to recognize the difference between the Holy and the Profane as referenced in Ezek 44:23. Clarity is brought to many gray areas in the Word and society at large.
Through this thorough and in depth study, this course by Apostle Ric & Prophetess Kathy Steele, the student is encouraged to go to the next level of discernment and perception through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Through the lens of a Sound Biblical Doctrine and taking into account current day culturalisms, expressions and policies are considered. The Steele’s are always mindful to point students toward the mark of the prize of the High Calling in Christ Jesus. Some people say that the Bible is an interesting mythology. We say that the Word of God is alive, more relevant and important than ever! Jesus Christ is LORD!
This Training Manual is the accompanying workbook. It has reference scriptures, activations and exercises to help grow the student's Discernment and increase understanding.